Friday, December 24, 2010

The Light of Christmas

Some people say that Christmas is only for children. They are the happiest creatures during this time of the year. They always look forward to this day. 

Another fact about this season is that people are kinder and more generous. Everyone seems to be in a festive mood and are  highly-spirited in their activities.

Christmas gives life to everyone. God is present in the generosity of people who show their love and concern to others especially to the less fortunate. Everyone feels inspired to respond to the call of God to love by sharing the way He did when he gave His only begotten son.

Christmas gives us a special feeling that is hard to explain. We get excited but where does this feeling really come from? Is it because of Jesus who is celebrating His birthday or is it because of the gifts we will receive? Does Jesus have a place in our heart especially on this day?

Christmas is a time of rejoicing and giving thanks to God who gave us Jesus, the Light of the world. His coming made a difference in the lives of the people who believed and accepted Him.

When Jesus was born, the world was never the same again. He had enlightened us and saved us from sin. Jesus is the true light of Christmas. He is our model. He is the one that reminds us to be like the glittering lights we enjoy during the season of Christmas... to give joy... light... peace... and happiness to all those who see us.

May each day always be a Christmas. May we learn to be generous in our acts towards everyone and like Jesus, may we let our love shine on people... may we show our love in every way.

"Do not be afraid: for behold, I proclaim to 
you good news of great joy that will be for 
all the people. For today in the City of 
David a Savior has been born for you 
who is Messiah and the Lord."
- Luke 2:10-11

Creative Commons License
The Light of Christmas by Lady Shaira 'Shai' M. Abuan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Heaven Sent


When you hear this word, what comes first in your mind?

A person with a beautiful face and wings... suited with white and dazzling gown isn't it? Angels are messengers of God. They are believed to be with us wherever we go... protecting us in our everyday lives, guiding us to do what is right and to avoid anything that is evil. They help us to more Christ-like.

Did you ever wonder if angels are real? If they really exist? or do they only live in fairy tales?

I believe that they do really exist... that they are really real and they're just beside us, taking care of us, protecting us from harm, guiding us in what we do, helping us make right decisions...  

Maybe angels can't sometimes be seen, but they're always with us... or maybe they can be seen in the form of the people around us... in a form of a friend... a classmate... or even a stranger.

On the other hand, for some people, angels only live in fairly tales. There are no such things as angels. They are only myths or legends. They are only imaginations.

There are many beliefs about angels... about their existence. I may believe in them and others may don't, I may see them in other people but other's wont. Although we cannot really tell whether they exist or not, we must always put in our hearts and mind that a we journey in our lives, we are always guided by the strong faith we have in God. 

"Hebrews 13:2 - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for
thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Advent : A Time to Prepare

It is said that "time" is something that humans cannot hold or control. Time is inescapable. Humans cannot stop the passage of time. They can do many things with the given time but they do not have power over it. Neither they can stop time. 

The word advent comes from the Latin word "adventus," which means coming. Advent covers four weeks before Christmas day. This is not something for the past alone. We know and believe that today, Jesus continues to come to us and make His kingdom grow. 

Advent then is a time to prepare... not on the gifts that we are excited to give and to receive but more on the preparation of one's heart for the coming of our Savior. It is, therefore, necessary that we keep our hearts clean and free from stains of sins we commit.

To make Advent season meaningful, we offer prayers and intentions encouraging us to prepare our hearts and leave room for Savior to be born in our hearts through the presence of the Advent wreath. 

This Advent wreath is circular and is usually wrapped with green leaves to symbolize the eternity of God and the hope for eternal life. There are also four candles which symbolize the four weeks preparation and each candle is lighted every week. The three candles are colored violet to symbolize prayer, repentance, and sacrifice while the fourth candle is colored pink to symbolize joy for the nearness of His coming.

Advent, therefore, gives us the chance to re-direct our lives and change for the better, starting from "within." It is now up to us to make the most out of this opportunity.

Jesus is our Savior, the promised Messiah. He is to be born in our hearts. We must appreciate God's love and goodness as we spend longer time to be with the Lord especially this season of Advent.

"Prepare the way of the Lord,
Make straight His paths:
All humankind shall see the
salvation of God."
- Luke 3:4,6

Creative Commons License
Advent : A Time to Prepare by Lady Shaira 'Shai' M. Abuan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at